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Furniture Cleaning Codes

Do you know the difference between Wet clean and Solvent clean furniture? 

It is important for you to know before purchasing new furniture! 

All furniture comes with 2-3 tags including cleaning instructions, makeup of material and name of manufacturer but the salesman rarely explains this to you when selecting your items. These tags can usually be found on the base of your items under the cushions. 

One is attached via threats and can be removed by tearing or cutting it off. This tag lets you know the material makeup, and you can go to jail under penalty of law if you remove it (LOL)! 

The Manufacturer tag is self explanatory. It is called advertising and is always glued to the base so if your cleaning lady is doing her job properly she will see it and know who made your furniture ( another LOL ). 

The most important tag tells you the process by which to clean your item(s) and is also glued to the base. It is usually labeled " Cleaning Instructions". Most of the tags have a" cleaning code" marked by one or two letters and they all have a specific color associated with the code. Here are the codes and what they mean: 

1. W: Writing will be brown on a white tag = wet or steam cleaning ok. This is the safest material to buy and is very child / pet compatible. Real easy to professionally clean.

2. S/W: Writing will be green on white tag = Combination of Solvent and wet ( not steam! ) cleaning ok. Not so good for every day use and cleaning is difficult.

3. S: Writing will be blue on white tag = Solvent only cleaning and in my opinion most times very toxic till completely dry. Don't spill any liquids or allow dirt buildup as these usually leave permanent staining. This material is more for looks only and company that will not be allowed to eat or drink on it under penalty of death! No children / pets allowed - Same penalty!

4. X: Writing usually red on white tag. Never have cleaned either by yourself or a " professional " and never get spills or soiling of any kind on it as this is a guarantee of permanent staining. Not people or pet friendly at all.

5. Generic: Buyer beware! Writing is black on white tag and lists cleaning process as 1-3 above but doesn't tell you which process is safe for your material. This tag is basically a disclaimer and voids your warranty should you not know to call the manufacturer and ask what process to use before cleaning.

If you are not sure or are missing the tag (which happens over time from normal use of furniture) give us a call and we can come out and look at it for you or help you over the phone. 

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