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Coffee Spots vs Coffee Stains

Why do some coffee spots come out and others don't?

There are several reasons for this! When you try to remove them yourself it can be very difficult if you don't know what you are dealing with. For starters you have the same problem with Spots vs. Stains but in addition coffee and tea have traditionally through the years been used as a staining agent to make documents look older than they appear, for example the declaration of independence! (Remember those school field trips where you thought you bought the original? OK I'm dating myself but... )

These tannins (tannic acids) or polyphenols bind to the receptors of paper, carpets and other materials. It also gives your wine that bitter dry taste. By itself can be easily removed by blotting if done right away but in the case of coffee or tea ... add sugar to it and Bam! How do you remove it? Very difficult to remove unless you have available to you professional tannic acid removers. Good News?! We have the solutions that will unbind these acids even when sugar is involved! They are not only non toxic but environmentally safe!

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